Going beyond the expected.


The Monarch Foundation is a private family foundation based in New York City working boldly to scale simple & inclusive solutions that solve some of our society's toughest problems.

What We're Trying to Do

Let's eradicate child poverty

Let's eradicate child poverty

We want to support babies and mothers in the earliest stages of their lives.

Let's end the climate crisis

Let's end the climate crisis

We want to fund innovative and inclusive solutions for our planet’s future.

How We're Helping


Early Childhood

We support organizations that focus on the earliest days of a baby’s life -- from the moment a mother realizes she’s pregnant through age three.


Climate Justice

We fund grassroots and minority-led organizations that are transforming how we interact with our planet.


Park Equity

We want to help underinvested and overlooked small parks in New York City reach their potential.


Direct Cash

We provide mothers with unconditional, consistent cash assistance in an effort to eliminate cycles of multi-generational poverty.


Climate Investing

We invest in climate and sustainability funds to find innovative and inclusive solutions for our planet’s future.

Let's Work Better Together

We’re always looking for ways to collaborate with others. Let us know what you’re up to.

What's In a Name?

It takes a Monarch butterfly up to five generations to complete one migration cycle. Just as each individual butterfly embarks on a journey it will not live to see through, we believe in steady progress and collective effort to create lasting impact.